

Where Did Hell Go?

Have we gone soft on Hell? I know what scripture says, and I know scripture is true, yet my honest answer is yes. I say that, because we (even in the Church) just don't preach Hell like we used to. Why is that?

While it has progressed over centuries, we have writers over the past 100 years and more significantly in the past 30 or so years, that have gone soft on Hell. We have had teachers even in nearby Christian universities who have done the same. Like it or not, this has influenced preaching in the Church. Some will admit they just don't like to preach on it. Some admit they never preach on it, "it's not popular" or "it's negative" they say. This is a trend of denominations. Sad for the Church!

We seem to have become like the denominational and atheistic segments of our society and just sort of let Hell slip into that part of existence we don't talk much about. Certainly not all Christians have done so, but so many have that Hell isn't what it used to be in our culture, and perhaps even in our own understanding. But Hell hasn't changed one bit in reality!

Jesus talked more about Hell than any other person in the New Testament. Jesus didn't water it down. But over decades, many have taught that Hell doesn't exist at all, because God doesn't either. A good percentage of our nation believes that way.

Next, is the teaching that Hell exists, but that man can't do anything "wrong enough" for a loving God to send them there, thus, there is not much fear of Hell.

Another popular teaching is that Hell is real, but that those people who God sends there will be tormented for a short time as punishment, then will evaporate into oblivion, and no longer exist.

The most popular teaching is that Hell is real, but people will be given a second chance to avoid it. If Jesus doesn't take them to Heaven during the rapture, they get another chance, and they are skeptical of any rapture at all, so they will just wait and see, and if it really happens, then they will do it right the second time. The term rapture by the way, isn't in the Bible at all, and while there will most certainly be a return of our Lord, the rapture doctrine is a man-made concept, and it is taught in several different variations that don't even agree with each other. Scripture, however, describes NO second chances! When Christ comes back, it's the end of earth and civilization on earth. Interesting how some don't teach Hell, referenced numerous times very plainly in scripture and mostly by Jesus Himself, yet they teach a man-made doctrine not found anywhere in scripture, and people follow like sheep being led to the slaughter.

There are other teachings as well, that water down Hell, but the Hell Jesus describes is as eternal as is Heaven. Torment is endless. Not only will non-believers be sent there, but many believers as well. Jesus taught that even demons believe, and He was comparing that to people who believe, but fail to obey. Jesus taught that only a few, who trust and obey, will go to Heaven, and that Hell is the only other alternative. Hell will be miserable. Hell hasn't been watered down by God. God isn't going to change His mind on judgement day and save everybody because He loves them, because He is a just God. That's not my opinion, it's God's very own words!

When we talk about salvation, do we think it means Heaven is a reward for good people, or do we actually understand that it means we are being "SAVED" from something? I hope we all understand we are being saved from Hell, which is what all sinners deserve, if not for the saving Grace of Jesus the Christ!

If Hell has been watered down in your mind by those who would like it to be less than Scripture describes it to be, remember, Scripture hasn't changed, God hasn't changed, and neither has Hell. God extends His offer of salvation (from Hell). Take advantage of it while the offer exists. " is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation." 2 Cor 6:2