

What Really Matters?

Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter. These and other groups have formed because one fundamental thing has been overlooked in our society, GOD MATTERS!

MADD, DADD, women's rights groups, those trying to save the lives of unborn babies, those vying for fair and equal treatment, all such groups could dis-band if only GOD MATTERED!

If all of us in our society, would live the life God desires, the problems in our society that prompt such groups to form would not exist. We would not agree on every matter of opinion, but we would not hate, we would not be bigoted, and race would not matter with us, just like it doesn't matter with God.

We would have mutual respect, love for our fellow man(kind), and desire for his/her well being. We would help those in need. There would be peace and bliss, because there would be no need for law enforcement, no prisons, no violence, and no threats to our children. No group would need to call for gun control, because there would be no one using guns to harm anyone or commit crimes.

We would have no deaths from drunk driving, no drug problems, no rape, no long list of those painted with sexual misbehavior. No need for politicians, no need for Democrats, Republicans or 3rd Parties. We would have one political view, pleasing God!

Yes, if everyone would live 100% by God's simple moral code, all these problems would go away.

Unfortunately, we can't be perfect. Even those of us who claim Christ, and strive to live up to His rules, can't get it right all the time. We have a devil who makes sure that there is constant turmoil, unrest, and dishonesty in our world, and Christians are not immune from that.

But if GOD MATTERED, enough of our problems would go away that we could live in peace and love with our fellow man, and manage the problems that would arise in a God directed way. If only......!

Paul, tried to explain this God to the people of Greece - Acts 17:16-34