

What is the Christian's Motivation Pt-3

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What is our motivation? Part 3

What motivates people to become a follower of Christ and what motivates us to remain faithful until death?

1. To avoid Hell
2. To gain Heaven
3. Positive lifestyle
4. Delighting in God

In the beginning, God created mankind in His image. We are different from animals. Among other differences is the fact that we have the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, to choose one path over another, to think, reason, and anticipate various consequences for our actions. (Genesis 1-2)

Why is sin wrong? Does God randomly decide what behaviors are sinful and which ones aren’t? No, of course not. Anything that is congruent with the nature of God is righteousness and things that are in opposition to His nature are evil. (Romans 6)

Sinful actions hurt. They hurt you and they hurt others. That’s what makes them wrong. Righteous actions are beneficial and a blessing to both you and others. That’s what makes them right. Any person who truly cares for others and wants to make a positive impact on the world around them naturally gravitate toward godly behaviors.

Christians have the advantage of knowing God’s word and are well equipped to love and serve his/her fellow mankind. That’s why it is such a blessing to be a Christian. Life on earth is better! When we love unconditionally, have joyous spirit, pursue peace, have patience, are kind to one another life is good! When we exemplify goodness, are dedicated to faithfulness, are gentle with all people, and have a high degree of self control then life is good! (Galatians 5)

The more you know about Jesus and the more you live life like he did, the happier you are today!