

Thank God For The Rain

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky and outdoor

It was pretty exciting watching the radar yesterday, when the rain clouds were building, almost like watching color TV for the first time in months! The thunder was a very welcome sound, actually, pretty beautiful sounding. God brought some rain back to our area, and we are extremely thankful.

With all the things mankind has conquered, we are still quite dependent. We have learned to plant and grow, but can't do that alone. Even if we irrigate from underground water, we still can't replenish that either, God alone can. We can't bring Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter, we are at His mercy. We can't make the wind blow, nor stop it from blowing. We can't make trees grow, maybe in a laboratory, but even then, what we use to do it with, God provides. We didn't build grow lights out of thin air, the dirt came from somewhere, as did the seed and water.

I know people would line up around the corner to disagree with me, but God is the genius behind science, which seems to be what we must test everything against in this world to validate it. But, if you are a believer, you know God is behind it all. If we can see through nature how dependent we are upon the Creator and His created things for our physical needs, why does much of mankind refuse to acknowledge Him in this way?

"In the beginning GOD created the heavens and earth" (Genesis 1:1). He knew then, what we are still learning today. When Galileo first looked through his crude telescope at our Milky Way, had he been able to freeze everything and have the time to count, he might have calculated there to be millions of stars. Not so many years later in the big picture, mankind now knows there are maybe 2-400 billion stars in our galaxy alone, and we know our galaxy is only a piece of the puzzle.

As smart as we may be, and look around, we think we are pretty smart, what will mankind know a hundred years from now, that will make us look pretty foolish in comparison? Whatever that might be, God knows that now, He knows it all. So whether it's astronomy, meteorology, geology, or any other "ology" out there, physics, geophysics, or astrophysics, we haven't figured it all out yet, and face it, we never will. We are still dependent upon God, and always will be.

"For He draws up drops of water, which distill as rain from the mist, which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man. Indeed, can anyone understand the spreading of clouds, the thunder from His canopy?" (Job 36:27-29). The answer to that question is "No". Even knowing what we do about what causes the rain, high pressures/low pressures, dry lines, evaporation, heat, updraft and everything else, we will never fully understand it, but we certainly do appreciate it!