

The Time is Now

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This was a headline today:

"67% of Americans say now is a good time to find a quality job in the U.S."

I'm glad the headlines can make such a claim. Perhaps many people can improve their jobs and enrich their lives from a materialistic perspective. It seems to have required an improvement in several aspects of our society and economy to get that headline to ring true. Praise God!

But how about our lives from a spiritual perspective? What percentage of Americans would say that now is a good time to live a better quality of life, in a spiritual sense? Unfortunately, it seems that society is moving in the opposite direction when we talk about spiritual things. What would it take to turn that around, what would Americans need to see or experience, in order to make a determined effort to improve their obedience to God, to increase their spiritual knowledge of Him, and to rid themselves of old baggage that Satan has hung around their necks?

God says, "... I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation." (2 Cor 6:2) Whether 67% of Americans will agree or not, God says today is the right time. There will never be a perfect time in our view of things. We will always have problems, wars, division and disagreement at the human level. We never have to look far to find a reason to put it off today.

But God tells us that we can have the optimal relationship with Him now, today! There is no better time, and if we are waiting for there to be an optimal time or a perfect day or if we are waiting for anything else to be aligned just right in our lives before we submit to God, we may be waiting on something that will never come to pass.

I encourage you today, don't put off what you know you need to do. God's Word clearly outlines His directions and intent for our lives. Choose God today, while you still have today. There is no promise that tomorrow or a better time will ever come. His hand is extended today, and every day that He gives us..