

We've Made A Mess of God's Masterpiece

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Mankind has turned God's masterpiece into our mess. Sometimes we want to know "what went wrong"? The answer is obviously no single thing, no single person, no single lifestyle or teaching. We must also acknowledge that transgression regarding God's plan for us is on-going, not just something that went awry in older days!

It's a fine line not to offend our opposition while trying to encourage fellow Christians to not be tainted by the world's opposition to both God, and us because of our faith in Him (James 1:26-27). We preach a Supreme Being capable of endless power (Job 36:22-24), yet Who knows how many hairs we have on our heads (Matt 10:30), a Being they regard as nothing more than a character in a children's book. So I struggle to understand how my love for a God, that they don't even think exists in the first place, threatens their way of life.

I suppose the threat is that God's will conflicts with their own (Isaiah 55:8), and while Christians didn't create that reality, we believe the Bible teaches it. We become the target of their hate speech and occasionally physical violence because we believe what the Bible says, while they deny it (Matt 10:22). We are not trying to force them to do anything, we profess no power to govern them or punish them, and we're in no position and have no inclination to usurp God's authority over them. Yet they hate us for acknowledging that God is real (1 John 4:2), and that He has authority over them (Matt 28:18). I wonder, maybe they only claim they don't believe He is real, while their consciences say that He might truly exist. Now that would be something to feel threatened by!

We likewise are not looking to insult anyone, that is not our job, yet we are told by Christ to expose them and their evil deeds (Eph 5:11). In order to try and help us combat their opposing views, it is necessary to repeat what they profess, and sometimes necessary to point out who the false teacher(s) are (Gal 5:7-12). Keep in mind, we are to love these people as God does, pray for them, and desire that God's will be done in their lives (Mark 12:31).

A transgender Democratic nominee for governor in another state sees God loving, God fearing, meek and gentle Christians as not only the problem but as a huge threat to society in general. Her words were, "Radicalized Christians are a part of the American landscape, and we tolerate it.” In her context, I don't believe she was saying 'we tolerate it' as in live and let live, but as in 'we should put an end to Christianity so that we are no longer forced to tolerate it'.

She went on later to compare faith in God to something most of us believe is a genuine threat to our country, sharia law. It is her belief that sharia law replacing the laws of the United States is less of a threat than Christianity. Here's what she said when making the comparison, "...and we worry about sharia law!!”... as if to say that's no threat at all compared to Christianity. You know, she might be right on that one, because God is at the center of Christianity, and opponents have no way to solve that "problem". Sharia law may not call out sin, and therefore may not feel threatening, but for certain, God's law does.

I'm not writing this to bash anyone, honestly. But brothers and sisters, this is the world we face today. For me, I can blow it off, and likely most of you can too. While it bothers me greatly, I don't feel threatened by it, nor do I worry about it affecting my faith, except to bolster it! But people like this, with the help of 95% of our so-called news media, social media, and society in general, are browbeating our citizens, especially our children, into tolerance of their beliefs, and not vice-versa as they claim. Look at what is now permissible, and even required learning, in many of our schools.

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that most of the time when people scream that they are being forced to tolerate something, in many instances what they are really screaming is a demand that they be tolerated. Christianity has stood for over 2000 years (Acts 2:38, Acts 11:19-26), and it will not be swayed by every fad (old or new) that comes along. God's power is too strong to crumble to man-made spectacles. (Numbers 23:19)

It is our job to continue to preach the Gospel, stand firm (1 Cor 16:13), not waiver (Matt 14:22-32, James 1:6), and make sure our children know right from wrong regarding the ways of the world (Matt 28:20). False teachers are everywhere, and the agenda being pushed by most of our world is, in fact, false teaching according to my Bible (Matt 7:13-14). According to God's very own word, these people are out there, and we are warned about them. We are told to expect this behavior from the world, yet God wants to save them. (2 Peter 3:9)

Pray for their souls (1 Tim 2:1), pray for God to guide them to His truth like He has us. If you are not already doing so, make it a daily habit to pray for the spiritual well-being of people like these. After all, where would we be standing today had His message never reached our ears? Embrace the hope that they will at some point be receptive to God's will for their lives. If our wanting good on their behalf is what offends them, maybe they can see our good intentions and re-consider. God loves them, and we are to love them too, BUT we are to love Him more (Matt 22:37), and exposing false teaching is part of our love toward God and our fellow man(kind).

(Quotes from TDC 8/16/18)