

Take Time To Stop


Imagine for a minute today, that you are driving down the highway, and you are passing a nursing care facility. As you approach it, you see, standing in the middle of the road, an elderly man arched over trying to push his walker. He seems scared and confused, and at the moment doesn't know what direction to go. This man is on the center stripe of the highway you are on, and the speed limit is 60. It's obvious he's in real trouble, and will require help. What would you do?

Of the myriad of things people would do, I don't think in West Texas we would find one out of a hundred that would do nothing at all. I'm confident some people would position their vehicle to warn traffic. Some might try and slow traffic and call 911 or alert the nursing staff. Most, I'm pretty sure, would try whatever it took to get him off the highway in rapid fashion, and I'm furthermore confident they would not drive off and leave him standing on the shoulder of the road all alone if they managed to get him off the center stripe. If it's like some cases I've witnessed in the past when an elderly person is in need, several people would stop to collectively assist in this situation.

How many times a day, a week, a month, do we encounter people who are standing in the middle of the highway in a spiritual sense? They are lost, confused, scared, and don't know which way to go. The police or nursing staff or fire department maybe would be the most qualified to help the old man in our scenario, but basically anybody could save his life, protect him from harm, and get the ball rolling in some fashion to insure his safety and eventual rescue from the roadway. Doing anything is better than nothing at all!

In a spiritual sense, it doesn't take a preacher, Bible class teacher, elder or deacon to rescue a soul in danger of eternal death either. It just takes someone who cares enough to stop and get involved. Your role in bringing someone to Christ may be huge, or it may be insignificant by comparison, but if you do anything at all, you assist in bringing that person to Christ. Today, countless people in our community, in our places of work, even in our own families just need somebody to stop and help them. Is that somebody you? Will you use whatever talents God has given you to aid in their rescue?