

Hopefully, God Is Not Your Co-pilot

I heard someone the other day say 'If God is your co-pilot, you better switch seats". Let that sink in just a minute, and ponder just how true it really is. God is not there to take over when we need help. He's not a backup in case our plans don't work out, although many treat Him that way. We all know people that don't even put God in the co-pilot seat, they prefer to use Him as a parachute, or absolute last resort.

We should give God the controls, because He is trustworthy, He will never leave us or forsake us. He already knows the answers to our problems. We never have to wonder if He will do what He says, we know full well He never fails us. God doesn't make mistakes either, like we do, and while life may take us by surprise, God has all knowledge to deal with whatever comes our way.

So what limits our trusting God to be the captain, to pilot our lives? While many things could conceivably be correct answers, does our love for Him not sum up the question? We will only trust God based on how much we love Him, and we will only love Him based on how much we trust Him. Either way, we are the one who limits His involvement in our lives. If we fail to love God, we will want to direct our lives ourselves and if our desire to guide ourselves is too great, we will limit our love for God. That certainly is on display in our society isn't it?

Someone once said, "Let go and let God!" Paul said it like this, as he wrote to the church in Rome, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Rom 12:1-2 That verse certainly doesn't have God riding shotgun, it has Him doing the driving.

Today, ponder in your heart who it is that's leading your life, and if God isn't the answer, move aside so He can.