

In A Rut Or A Groove?

Image may contain: sky, shoes, tree, plant, outdoor, nature and water

Rut-a long deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles.

Groove-a long, narrow cut or depression, especially one made to guide motion or receive a corresponding ridge.

It's one thing for an engineer to design a groove, like what a train or streetcar would run on, and entirely different for something to create a rut because it can't seem to find a better path forward. When we get in a rut with our life, we form a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive and is usually very hard to change. Switching from a rut to a groove is not easy.

So how do we get out of the rut, assuming we are in it? Well, let's consider a couple of thoughts today. #1) if we are growing, we can't be staying the same. Living without growing is essentially dying a slow death one day at a time. In nature, nothing stays the same, unless it is near death or dead. Those things that are alive are constantly changing, and are being fed and nourished. #2) we need to change paths. It may be difficult for us to move forward in a better direction, because we are constantly being pulled back into the rut, and the rut just keeps getting deeper and wider. Maybe we are on the wrong road entirely. Perhaps we need to plot a new course.

You know, scripture doesn't merely suggest we grow, it clearly outlines the necessity that we grow in both the grace and knowledge of our Lord. While God never changes, nor does His Gospel because both illustrate perfection, we must absolutely change, or we can never become what He wants us to be. We need look no further than the Church to understand that we must be dynamic, growing, moving, and living otherwise we are just static and for all practical purposes, dead. Spiritual growth requires spiritual nourishment. We must be fed. Without such food, we will die, eventually.

Like the streetcar we mentioned, a groove will take you to the desired destination. A rut on the other hand, jerks the steering wheel out of your hand, and lands you right back where you don't want to be. Satan even has a way of filling the rut up with water making it almost impossible to get out of the rut without help. God is that help, and He uses not only His Word, but His children to help pull each other out of the mud.

Take a look behind you at where you have been lately. Does it look like the road God has paved for you, or does it look like something in dire need of some urgent repair? If you are stuck in the mud, ask for help!