One Day At A Time Going Forward
There is a quote comes from Soren Kierkegaard, "Life is lived forward, but understood backward."
I know you've heard old sayings like "we learn from our mistakes", and that's certainly part I think of Soren's thought. But not just our mistakes, but all of life. There's a reason we aren't born old, and get younger as we go. There are reasons older people have more wisdom than younger, not saying they are smarter, my kids prove that out, but wiser. There are reasons we don't always have all the answers.
We are forced so many times to move into uncomfortable water going forward, to experience new things never before a part of us, and to press into unchartered territory. We learn along the way sometimes why things are as they are, and why some things happen as they do and sometimes that comes years later as we look in the rearview mirror. All of these experiences contribute to our ability to live.
As Christians, we also learn why faith is so important!
Whether physical or spiritual, we can look back and understand better what role the hand of God played in things that we didn't always see at the time. We often understand months or years later, just why God played out some things in our lives the way He did, and speaking for myself, it was always better for me.
Today, some encouragement especially for our young people, but for us all, we don't have to know all the answers going into it, or coming out of it, we just need faith to go through it. Maybe God provides the answers later, maybe He doesn't, but believing and trusting that He will let us know what we need to, is all we truly need. We needn't fear what's ahead, because we know He will be with us, and we know that because so often we can see how He was with us during what now lies behind..