

Can't Show What We Don't Know

I heard a preacher recently say "WE CAN'T SHOW WHAT WE DON'T KNOW".

That's not only true in a religious sense, but in practically everything. Imagine someone trying to coach a basketball team who doesn't know the rules of the game, or much of anything about offensive plays and defensive skills. They might be an avid fan of basketball, and love to watch it on TV, but if they are ignorant beyond that, they certainly could not successfully coach a winning team.

Knowing who Jesus is, and believing He is the Son of God is certainly all important. Without those building blocks, we would likely never pursue the Christian life. But if we've limited our knowledge to that for a long time since, we aren't moving much toward being a disciple of His. It is possible to become a Christian by all the right decisions through faith, yet fail to ever progress beyond that, and therefore, never become a disciplined disciple.

The key to that growth is knowledge and understanding, all centered around Jesus and the teachings He gave while He was here, and those the Holy Spirit determined to provide to us through inspired writings of the Bible. It is necessary that we exercise our minds in a continual effort to grow our knowledge, and thus grow our faith.

If we truly want to show Him to the world, we absolutely must know Him, not just know 'about' Him, and that only comes through a better understanding of His word that tells us the story about Jesus.

It truly is a shame that we don't understand in our day and time, the aspects of being a disciple like people understood in the first century when scripture was being compiled for all generations that would follow. I for one need a better grasp on that, and need to work harder at knowing Him better. If we aren't convicted in our adherence to Him, we ought to be. Our mission in life should be that when He speaks, we listen, learn and put into practice. Then when the world see us, it sees Him!